梦旅人 發表於 2015-1-12 14:24:59

【佛图网摄影展(一)】在缅甸 IN MYANMAR——相信的力量 TH...

本帖最後由 梦旅人 於 2015-1-12 16:35 編輯

  近日,由佛图网主办的缅甸主题摄影展“在缅甸 IN MYANMAR——相信的力量 THE POWER OF BELIEF”在佛图网上海小店zen's flower举办。  展览作品由艺术家宓雄迁流到缅甸时拍摄,由策展人李颖妮策划,分为“佛教 Buddhism、孩子 Children、生活 Life”三个部分,通过一幅一幅光影禅境中的留念,展现这片“佛教之国”在静谧中散发着神秘的魅力。
前言Preface   这片土地战火连绵,却佛塔如林,寺庙如星;罂粟花曾开遍北部山区,如今国内外义工在复苏的土壤中种下香草的种子;纳尔吉斯风暴国际救援后,缅甸徐徐向外面的世界打开了神秘的大门。非政府组织“爱与和平地球家Global Family for Love and Peace”多年来在缅北山区开垦弄曼生态农场,帮助饱受民族冲突与毒品伤害的当地社区追寻友爱自然的永续生活方式。同时为雨季农忙而无暇顾及家中幼儿的父母建立大雨托儿所,为佛学院学生创造专修精进的机会。我们可以通过宓雄的摄影作品一窥这个物质文明以外的精神世界,金色的佛像,孩子的眼睛,是否映照出一个从未发现的自我?   We encounter with a land tormented by blood and fire, but rejoicing inthe possession of forests of Buddhist pagodas and temples. Poppy flowers usedto flourish on its northern boundary, but volunteers from all over the worldare sowing herbal seeds in the recovering soil now. After the disastrousTropical Storm Nargis, the mysterious Myanmar opened its door to outside worldgradually. NGO Global Family for Love and Peace has been working on asustainable bio-farm in Shan State for a decade, enabling the local communityto live a respectable, nature-friendly life which was unimaginable during yearsof ethnic conflict and opium trade. GFLP also fund other meaningful programs:three “Kindergartens of Rain” haven been founded to support parents during thebusy faming season and scholarships are granted to diligent students from localcolleges of Buddhism. Through the photographs taken by Mi Xiong, we have aglimpse of this distinguishing spiritual world beyond material civilization.Can we see an un-known reflection in the smile of golden Buddhist figures andthe big eyes of kids there?
Part1——佛教 Buddhism曼德勒的郊区,牛群与牧人慢慢踱步,附近一个不起眼的山洞中却有着上万尊佛像,在幽暗中绽放金色的微笑。Herds and shepherdsstroll in the suburb of Mandalay, an unremarkable cave nearby houses tens ofthousands of Buddhist figures which are radiating golden smiles in darkness. 仰光大金塔是缅甸最神圣的佛塔,每天到这里祈福的僧侣沙弥络绎不绝。Every day the sacredShwedagon Pagoda sees Buddhist monks and novices come to pray in an endlessstream.
小沙弥一日几净身。A flash of splash --- the dailybody-cleaning of a novice.
寺院宿舍中,病榻上的女尼还在读经书。A sick nun lay in temple dormitory with Buddhism scriptures in hand.佛学院的学生没有桌椅,却心无旁骛地沉浸在学习中。Students of Buddhist school immersed in their notes, without desks or chairs.

展览名称:在缅甸 IN MYANMAR——相信的力量 THE POWER OF BELIEF艺术家:宓雄策展人:李颖妮主办:佛图网展览时间:1月12日-2月12日 每天10:00-22:00地点:上海静安寺聚集地in shop D09 (地铁2/7号线静安寺站6、8、9、10出口)

mixiong 發表於 2015-1-29 13:51:35


發表於 2015-2-6 10:42:08

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