Buddhist Story: Two Ghosts Quarrelling over Treasures. Two ghosts quarrelled over three treasures (a box, a pair of shoes and a pair of hammers). Not knowing how to divide them equally, they found a Brahmin and asked him to help. The Brahmin wondered if it was necessary to quarrel over such things. The ghosts said it wasn't trifling as the box could yield whatever one wanted, the shoes enabled flying to the sky and the hammers could subdue any enemy. Hearing this, the Brahmin said, "You two stand aside first. Let me think about how to divide them." Once the ghosts stepped aside, the Brahmin quickly put on the shoes, grasped the box and hammers with both hands and flew away, leaving the two ghosts astonished. Words of Wisdom: Everyone desires treasures, but the painful price of arguing endlessly is getting nothing at all! Only by working together amicably with others can there be a possibility of a win-win situation.