Buddhist Story: Keeping a Person with Eyes Gouged. Once upon a time, there was a man whose eyes had the divine power of clairvoyance and could discover the treasures hidden underground. Hearing the news, the king was very happy and told his ministers, "Quickly find a way to keep this person and let him search for treasures only for us." To win the king's favor, the ministers tried hard to think of ideas. The next day, a minister entered the palace with a box in his hands to see the king. He couldn't wait to open the box and told the king, "I've specially brought that person's eyes so that he can't leave." The king was furious and said, "The man's divine power lies in his eyes which can see through everything. Now that you've gouged out his eyes, hasn't he become useless?" Words of Wisdom: This stupid minister is absurd. He made the immortal lose his eyes and got the king nothing. He just wanted to win favor but lacked wisdom, thus achieving the opposite result.